Reality Check mouth piece Kevin
Matthews did the impossible by
pinning former pro Boxing Super
Heavyweight Champion
“Butterbean” Eric Esch to become
the new PWS Heavyweight
Champion. Reality Check leader
Devon Moore is the longest reigning
PWS Champion with an 18 month
title reign and it remains to be seen
how Moore will react to his Reality
Check partner Matthews capturing
his former heavyweight
championship … not to mention that
Matthews won the belt with the
lovely Alexa Thatcher in his corner ,
the same Alexa Thatcher that is the
girlfriend of Devon Moore. Will
Moore’s pride get the best of him or
is this a new begining for the power
clique of Reality Check which also
includes Danny Demanto and Velvet
Sky to continue their takeover of
PWS?! Also .. just where is
“Rotten” Tommy Suede, the last
man to join this terrorizing clique?